1) Latest instructions re Watchtower study
2) Relative to PIMO.
don't quote any scriptures during the watchtower study that are not in the paragraph.. don't quote the governing body or anything from the broadcast ever.
it might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the governing body.
especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with scriptures, most especially the words of jesus christ.. anyone know of other new tactics?.
1) Latest instructions re Watchtower study
2) Relative to PIMO.
what a weekend.
i have my normal medications to take; one white pill, one purple pill, one blue pill, one yellow pill ... you get the idea.. but having to watch the regional assembly on-line had me stressed.
i now realized i accidentally took too many of those big purple pills.
What the hell am I still doing here on this site ?
The simple fact is these people are like the gnomes, elves and fairies. They are incredibly silly and providing you are not subject to them, it is very funny.
Also we who have experienced this need each other, because we are the only ones who understand each other (up to a point anyway). These are scriptures which I find helpful.
Matt 5:10,11
Happy are you when men give you a bad name, and are cruel to you, and say all evil things against you falsely, because of me.
Be glad and full of joy; for great is your reward in heaven: for so were the prophets attacked who were before you
Mark 10:29, 30
Jesus said, Truly I say to you, There is no man who has given up house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or land, because of me and the good news,
Who will not get a hundred times as much now in this time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and land--though with great troubles; and, in the world to come, eternal life.
on bbc radio this morning there was a 20 minute piece on jws and the child abuse cover up.
i am already receiving reaction to it from a number of sources.
it occurred to me - if you were giving ordinary members of the public a steer on how to deal with wt publishers what would you advise?.
Smiddy when I was first called on I told them what God's name was. It blew up their presentation. Funnily enough God's name was pretty well known.
Smiddy keep moving forward. If you don't understand the OP, sorry. Others do but it might be because they hold a different vew. It is pointless to argue.
don't quote any scriptures during the watchtower study that are not in the paragraph.. don't quote the governing body or anything from the broadcast ever.
it might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the governing body.
especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with scriptures, most especially the words of jesus christ.. anyone know of other new tactics?.
Don't quote any Scriptures during the Watchtower Study that are not in the paragraph.
Don't quote the Governing Body or anything from the Broadcast ever. It might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the Governing Body. Especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with Scriptures, most especially the words of Jesus Christ.
Anyone know of other new tactics?
the amazing exoneration of info sekta in swiss court has finally reinforced the proper way to exit an abusive cult.. never write a letter of disassociation.
- no need to invoke shepherding or judicial action from elders.
make a written, dated statement of your free-will choice to have abandoned the jw religion - secure this document with a friend -a trusted friend (not the jw kind).
Poor Christine just got thrown out without even being told about it.
But - her whole family is out now plus some. They were very stupid when they attacked her. They should have read the Bible.
(James 1:27) . . .The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.
this is a news report from march 2017 but it's still as relevant today as it was then.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8koav8xzck.
This is a news report from March 2017 but it's still as relevant today as it was then.
hi i don't mean tie my shoe laces together,.
i realize some theocatic warfare involved (lying) getting fed up with trying to fade .. how do jw family members react?.
Elders df someone - you are stumbled. So if they df you, you are even more stumbled. You wont be able to recognise them as spiritually qualified to tie a shoe lace let alone df you.
By they way, if they are not too busy could they pop round and give your tootsies a wash. You've got toe jam and you've been reading these scriptures about Jesus and the fine way he cared for his disciple's feet.
what a weekend.
i have my normal medications to take; one white pill, one purple pill, one blue pill, one yellow pill ... you get the idea.. but having to watch the regional assembly on-line had me stressed.
i now realized i accidentally took too many of those big purple pills.
You are to be commended. Did they notice you reading the newspaper?
the amazing exoneration of info sekta in swiss court has finally reinforced the proper way to exit an abusive cult.. never write a letter of disassociation.
- no need to invoke shepherding or judicial action from elders.
make a written, dated statement of your free-will choice to have abandoned the jw religion - secure this document with a friend -a trusted friend (not the jw kind).
The baptism which identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witness does not mean Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. By their own definition, Jesus Christ was the greatest witness that Jehovah is the true God. For Jehovah's Witnesses, the term is just an alternative way of saying Christian. The actual term in Isaiah was directed to those of the House of Jacob. Not London Bethel or 900 Red Mills Road, Wallkill.
And what is God's spirit directed organisation? Do they mean Holy Spirit? Yes. But the GB are apostate to God's Holy Spirity because they are liars.
A body is made up of organs. In that way a body is organised.
(1 Corinthians 12:19-27) . . .If they were all one member, where would the body be? 20 But now they are many members, yet one body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand: “I have no need of you”; or, again, the head [cannot say] to the feet: “I have no need of YOU.” .... 27 Now you are Christ’s body, and members individually.
So how has anyone every really been baptised into a media company with Caleb and Sophia cartoons?
on bbc radio this morning there was a 20 minute piece on jws and the child abuse cover up.
i am already receiving reaction to it from a number of sources.
it occurred to me - if you were giving ordinary members of the public a steer on how to deal with wt publishers what would you advise?.
Vanderhoven7 - yup Jesus sure did an excellent job.
Smiddy and Menrov - I've been around long enought to know that people make up their own minds on how they view God. I appreciate you don't share my view of Him.
My personal view is that God created us and He has the right to destroy us. Likely you view me a horrendously mistaken but whether you agree with me or not, we all die.
You may think Jesus was wrong. Ok, well I'll be your version of 'wrong' with Jesus and accept the consquences.